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Wes Hamner

Playwork Training

Wes Hamner found his way into the profession of Playwork via the world of Art Du Deplacement, better known as Parkour, which he both practiced and taught after receiving his Masters Degree of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. His experience teaching and training Parkour with children showed him how capable and self-guided children could be when given the chance.


Since 2016, Wes has been working on Adventure Play at The Parish School in Houston Texas, one of only a handful of adventure playgrounds in the United States. He currently serves as its Managing Director, where he oversees many aspects of the adventure playground, as well as the school's recess program. His introduction to playwork came directly, by working and reflecting with the team of playworkers on site, while completing Pop Up Adventure Play's Playworker Development Course. In the years since he has taken part in other trainings, he has presented at a variety of national and international conferences on child-directed play, and is now a Licensed Trainer in PARS Playwork. He can offer PARS PPP2 Training in person in Texas, or remotely elsewhere.

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PARS Playwork was developed from the research of Dr. Shelly Newstead and is based on the practice and philosophy of the Playworkers on the original Adventure Playgrounds in Europe. Using this foundation PARS attempts to follow those pioneers whilst adapting to new environments. The training that arose from this research prepares any adult who works with children to begin introducing PARS Playwork theory and practice in their settings. While not everyone can work on an Adventure Playground, we can begin to empower the children with whom we work through self-direction, and the inspiration that arises through play.


PPP2 Brochure

The Level 2 (PPP2) Certification is awarded as a Customized Qualification from NCFE in the United Kingdom. The course covers the theories, philosophy, and techniques of the early Playworkers, and helps guide new Playworkers as they begin to reexamine their interactions with the children in their care through a Playworker's eyes. Courses can be delivered in-person or online (though all of the assessments are conducted online). There are no prerequisites for Level 2, other than a love for children, and an open mind.

For more information or to schedule training for yourself and your team contact Wes at



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